I know this isn't exactly the right place to share this, but it is animal related so I am going to share it anyway... To start, I was hired for a 3 day baby sitting job to make a little extra money to help pay my school note. Well, I get home to find out that my mother gave my cat away while I was gone. Now I am not the type of person that gets a pet and keeps it for awhile until I find something cooler, when I get a pet I make a commitment and form a long term relationship. This particular cat was very special to me, I rescued it when its mother abandoned it in my yard, and bottle fed it on an insulin syringe for five weeks; anyone who's done that knows how hard it is and how strong of a bond you form when you do that. He was a little tuxedo cat that I named Pip. My feelings are hurt, and I am feel like I've just lost a family member.
So Upset