What is the name of your pet(s)? How did you come up with the name? What type of pet is it?
For example: I have 2 dogs. Beau is a 2 year old Black Australian Sheprador (my own name creation!). He is part black lab, and part Australian Shepard. We decided to name him Beau because when we first met him he was really lazy and slow, so we tried to come up with a lazy name and that's what we ended up with! Our other dog Adrian is a shelter rescue. She is almost 3 and is a German Chow (German Shepard/Chow Mix). Her name was Adrian when we rescued her, and she was already an adult, so that is how we kept it. We like to give our dogs voices when they do funny things. Beau has the voice of Kim Jung IL, even though he isn't Asian at all, it is hilarious. Adrian has the voice of a Southern Belle. They are too funny!