I had an intereview at a veterinary hospital yesterday. The man took me on a tour of the whole facililty. It was SO exciting. My first time "behind the scenes"... I witnessed a dog being put under anesthesia to be spayed. (Which is all well and good.) But for some reason, just seeing that, made my mind jump straight to euthanasia. And I just was thinking to myself, "How am I going to handle having to put an animal down for the first time?" I was thinking of my animals, how I have never had to put an animal down before in my life, and I just wonder how all you other techs out there handled it. Did you cry? Get emotional? I was just curious to see if you guys had any stories of your first times doing that, and maybe some things I could take into my brain to help me when the time comes... I am no where close to being a tech yet, and I know I will gain more experience and knowledge as time goes on, but right now, I am just curious as to what your thoughts are. Thank you guys!