I sent in my offical college transcript by mail to the student center as told to do about 2 weeks ago. I have not heard anything back nor is it showing up on my courses as being a transfer credit yet. I really don't want to retake classes I already passed previously. Does anyone know how long it takes for them to be evaluated? Do I need to call and see where I am at in the process?
Also, I requested by books be sent in the mail about a week ago and it says there is a hold on my shipment for some reason. I am not sure why because my tuiton was paid in full, I have sent in my proof of highschool thing, and have tried to sign my enrollment form but the link keeps breaking. They said they were sending a hard copy of the enrollement form in the mail a week ago but I have not seen anything. Anyone have any advise? I want to be able to move on and not retake classes, and would like my books!
Cassie Cote