I don't know about you but I am getting really annoyed with the shipment issue and Pennfoster...
Wrote them an email as to why DHL was taking so long from the USA to Malaysia; should be 3 days max. Well reply was DHL only used for module 1 and thereafter it is standard economy international postage... Man I did not see that in the advertising. If I want DHL service now, I have to organize my own DHL account??
So I asked them to post at least 2 modules together minimum due to 6/8 weeks delivery delay for the normal postage to Malaysia...NO REPLY and I see online today they are only preparing module 4 which I am already studying... yes I have to print the material myself, been doing it since the beginning of this course cos Pennfoster always late on shipment
Good material to study but **** shipping service/feedback
Not happy