So, senario:
O walks in states she needs a nail trim on her dog and it's got a broken toenail. Cleaned up the broken nail, cut the nails (as outpatient) and made an appointment for her to come back and see the vet for a full exam. She comes back and the pet's nail is infected and the paw is swollen. What would you do in the case? I am in trouble because I didn't have a doctor look at the pet and just stopped the bleeding. BUT, I told the owner it was important for her to come in for a complete exam w/ the doctor and SHE scheduled the appointment. The owner is mad, I'm in trouble because I didn't show it to the doctor, and I might get terminated. Yes, hind site is always 20/20 but did I cya myself because I scheduled the appointment and advised the owner that's all we could do for the pet THAT day. I have big shoulders so please give me your feedback on this.